Authors: Melanie Fitschen, Luise Leitsch, Jasmin Rehmeier, Madeleine Steeb
Edited by: Tom Glaeseker, Jens Holzkämper, Luca Thost, Tammo Resener
Last updated: December 29, 2022
1 Definition
1.1 Sustainable manufacturing
In 1992 at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, it was already recognized that new perceptions of the way people produce, consume, and work are necessary for sustainable development.1 United Nations. United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 3-14 June 1992. Available at (n.d.). Today, one of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG 12) established by the UN in 2015 also addresses sustainable consumption and production. Still, definitions of sustainable manufacturing are various2 Alayón, C., Säfsten, K. & Johansson, G. Conceptual sustainable production principles in practice: Do they reflect what companies do? Journal of Cleaner Production 141, 693–701 (2017). and inconclusive, and a common definition does not exist.3 Haapala, K. R. et al. A Review of Engineering Research in Sustainable Manufacturing. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering 135, 1–16 (2013). Some define sustainable manufacturing as a system (e.g., production system) or as a paradigm, while others describe it as an approach or a strategy. The main domains however are process, product, customer, community, and employees. Overall, the definition proposed by the U.S. Department of Commerce is the most widely used and corresponds to the modern understanding of sustainability by addressing all three dimensions (economic, social, and environmental). It defines sustainable manufacturing as “the creation of manufactured products that use processes that minimize negative environmental impacts, conserve energy and natural resources, are safe for employees, communities, and consumers and are economically sound.”4 Moldavska, A. & Welo, T. The concept of sustainable manufacturing and its definitions: A content-analysis based literature review. Journal of Cleaner Production 166, 744–755 (2017). 5 Rosen, M. A. & Kishawy, H. A. Sustainable Manufacturing and Design: Concepts, Practices and Needs. Sustainability 4, 154–174 (2012). Additionally, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) provides a Glossary of Sustainable Manufacturing Terms. This can be helpful for getting an overview as sustainable manufacturing is also referred to as sustainable design or green design, and several terms can be subsumed under or are part of the sustainable manufacturing definition, such as cradle-to-cradle manufacturing.6 United States Environmental Protection Agency. Glossary of Sustainable Manufacturing Terms. Available at (n.d.).
1.2 Sustainable production
What can be challenging for organizations are the many intersections, synonyms, and subsumable terms in relation to sustainable production. Organizations must deal with all sorts of definitions and concepts, such as closed-loop production, which interrelate with sustainable production. Also, corporate functions, such as supply chain management or technology and innovation management, are closely linked to a sustainable production system.
A recognized approach of sustainable production many authors refer to has been developed by the Lowell Center of Sustainable Production (LCSP).2 Alayón, C., Säfsten, K. & Johansson, G. Conceptual sustainable production principles in practice: Do they reflect what companies do? Journal of Cleaner Production 141, 693–701 (2017). 7 Veleva, V., Hart, M., Greiner, T. & Crumbley, C. Indicators of sustainable production. Journal of Cleaner Production 9, 447–452 (2001). It refers to the triple-bottom-line concept of sustainable development. The LCSP describes sustainable production as “the creation of goods and services using processes and systems that are:
- Non-polluting
- Conserving of energy and natural resources
- Economically viable
- Safe and healthful for workers, communities, and consumers
- Socially and creatively rewarding for all working people.”
Thus, to produce sustainably, the environmental effects and interactions, as well as social responsibility from a multi-stakeholder perspective and economic feasibility, must be considered within the production processes and systems.
2 Sustainability impact
2.1 Impact
Manufacturing and production can be considered both a threat as well as a solution to sustainable development.8 Molamohamadi, O. & Ismail, N. Developing a New Scheme for Sustainable Manufacturing. 1, 1–5 (2013). On the one hand, manufacturing contributes to the need for shelter, food, healthcare, and various other elements. It also helps in addressing global challenges, such as the need for green buildings and renewable energy sources, or it can contribute to sustainable development with the manufacturing of sustainable products. On the other hand, it has a negative impact on the environment4 Moldavska, A. & Welo, T. The concept of sustainable manufacturing and its definitions: A content-analysis based literature review. Journal of Cleaner Production 166, 744–755 (2017). as it promotes resource extraction and land conversion, as well as contributing to air pollution and water pollution by releasing different emissions. Thus, every production and manufacturing activity has an environmental impact based on the resources and services that are used.9 OECD. OECD Sustainable Manufacturing Toolkit. Available at (2011). According to the World Research Institute, energy usage is the largest source of human-caused greenhouse gas emissions and is responsible for around 76% of these worldwide. Manufacturing and construction contribute to 12.6% of these total emissions within the energy sector. The industrial processes associated with cement, chemicals, and other such products also contribute significantly to worldwide greenhouse gas emissions as well as waste. Production and manufacturing are therefore substantially accountable with regard to climate change and global warming. Introducing more sustainable production practices to reduce energy consumption and generate less waste is key in averting the climate crisis.10 Ge, M., Friedrich, J. & Vigna, L. 4 Charts Explain Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Countries and Sectors. Available at (2021).
Production systems and processes not only influence the environment, but also affect the social dimension in terms of numerous aspects, such as psychological and physiological effects on employees, public perception, customer loyalty, and community engagement.4 Moldavska, A. & Welo, T. The concept of sustainable manufacturing and its definitions: A content-analysis based literature review. Journal of Cleaner Production 166, 744–755 (2017). Therefore, manufacturing production processes play a major role in promoting social responsibility. They can impact social risks and promote positive social impacts.11 Gbededo, M. & Liyanage, K. Identification and Alignment of the Social Aspects of Sustainable Manufacturing with the Theory of Motivation. Sustainability 10, 852 (2018). Avoiding risks and implementing sustainability in the process can, for example, improve employee commitment and the work culture and lay the focus on occupational safety issues.12 Madan Shankar, K., Kannan, D. & Udhaya Kumar, P. Analyzing sustainable manufacturing practices – A case study in Indian context. Journal of Cleaner Production 164, 1332–1343 (2017). Overall, production and manufacturing play an important role in sustainable development. As a result, environmental and social conscious production becomes fundamental to maintaining competitive advantages, averting risks, maintaining one’s reputation, and being able to operate globally.13 Sarkis, J. & Zhu, Q. Environmental sustainability and production: taking the road less travelled. International Journal of Production Research 56, 743–759 (2018). As the abundance of energy and materials is decreasing,14 Abdul-Rashid, S. H., Evans, S. & Longhurst, P. A comparison of four sustainable manufacturing strategies. International Journal of Sustainable Engineering 1, 214–229 (2008). the necessities of mitigating and eliminating emissions as well as minimizing resource extraction are major tasks within production processes. This ensures that nature can regenerate and that resources are preserved in the long term.15 Umweltbundesamt. Nachhaltige Produktion. Available at (2021). Sustainable technologies and sustainable innovation management can be helpful tools in the process of making production more sustainable.16 BMWI. Digitale Transformation in der Industrie. Available at (n.d.). The German “Umweltbundesamt” (UBA) provides the Cleaner Production Germany portal, which informs about different sustainable technologies and services, such as the circular economy. One aim of sustainable production is to modernize the economy from a linear to a circular one.17 Die Bundesregierung. Ziele nachhaltiger Entwicklung. Nachhaltig produzieren und konsumieren. Available at (n.d.). A circular economy redefines growth and entails decoupling economic activity from the consumption of finite resources. It is underpinned by a transition to renewable energy sources and based on three principles: keeping products and materials in use, designing out waste and pollution, and regenerating natural systems.18 Ellen MacArthur Foundation. Circular economy introduction. What is a circular economy? Available at (n.d.).
2.2 Indicators
To be able to measure sustainability in production, it is necessary to have benchmarks that can evaluate a company’s sustainability performance based on several factors. These benchmarks are called indicators and are internationally comparable numbers to measure the performance of organizations (e.g., the sustainability performance of production facilities of any country, size, or sector).10 OECD. OECD Sustainable Manufacturing Toolkit. Available at (2011). Amongst others, companies use indicators to monitor developments or progress towards sustainability in manufacturing.19 Singh, K. & Sultan, I. A. Modelling and Evaluation of KPIs for the Assessment of Sustainable Manufacturing: An Extrusion process case study. Materials Today: Proceedings 5, 3825–3834 (2018). Indicators of sustainable production are provided by many institutions. They are published in sets and have different priorities. Some indicators focus on specific areas of sustainability; others address specific business areas or sectors.
2.2.1 Sources and providers
Global Reporting Initiative
The most important initiative for assessing corporate sustainability is the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI),20 Fan, C., Carrell, J. D. & Zhang, H. C. An investigation of indicators for measuring sustainable manufacturing. Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE, 1-5 (2010). focusing on voluntary sustainability reporting. It comprises 70 indicators, which are divided into the main dimensions of sustainability: the economy, environment, and society. These indicators are explained in detail in the indicator protocols, where the methodology, the scope of the indicator use, and other technical references are clarified.21 GRI. GRI 101: FOUNDATION 2016. Available at (2018).22 Staniškis, J. & Arbačiauskas, V. Sustainability Performance Indicators for Industrial Enterprise Management. Environmental Research, Engineering and Management 2 42–50 (2009).
The Accton Technology Corporation, a company that designs and manufactures computer networking equipment, used several GRI indicators in its CSR Report 2019. It published, for example, its manufacturing operating costs (GRI 201) for the years 2017, 2018, and 2019 and the average number of training hours completed by employees during the reporting period (GRI 404). These include training courses on the topics of professional knowledge and skills, quality management, and environmental safety and occupational health, which are especially relevant to manufacturing processes.23 Accton Technology Corporation. 2019 CSR Report. Available at (2020).
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
The international Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) aims to develop better policies for improved living conditions by shaping a program that promotes wealth, equity, chances, and well-being for all.10 OECD. OECD Sustainable Manufacturing Toolkit. Available at (2011). 24 OECD. Who we are. Available at (n.d.). A guide provided by the OECD is the Toolkit for Sustainable Production. It includes 18 of the most important and widely applicable environmental performance indicators for organizational production. These indicators can be used to evaluate and promote the performance of facilities and support internal management in decision-making.10 OECD. OECD Sustainable Manufacturing Toolkit. Available at (2011). 25 OECD. OECD sustainable manufacturing indicators. Available at (n.d.).
Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes (DJSI)
The financial and sustainability performance of the top 10% of firms in the Dow Jones Global Total Stock Market Index are evaluated by DJSI. The indexes’ results represent benchmarks for investment firms and shareholders. Based on 12 criteria, the indexes mainly assess the economic performance of companies but also consider some aspects of the environmental and social dimensions.26 DFGE – Institute for Energy, Ecology and Economy. DJSI: Umfangreiche Nachhaltigkeitsanalyse der weltgrößten Unternehmen. Available at (2021).27 S&P Dow Jones Indices. Dow Jones U.S. Total Stock Market Index. Available at (2021).
The Japanese National Institute of Science and Technology Policy (NISTEP) conducts research and surveys to support government policies on science and technology. The indicators included in the NISTEP report are focused on corporate technological capability.28 National Institute of Science and Technology Policy. Science and Technology Indicators: 1994 – A Systematic Analysis of Science and Technology Activities in Japan. NISTEP Report No. 37 (1995).29 National Institute of Science and Technology Policy. Digest of Japanese Science and Technology Indicators 2020. Available at (2020).
International Organization for Standardization – ISO 14031
The International Organization for Standardization provides several standards for sustainability management, including ISO 14031, an international environmental performance evaluation (EPE) standard. It gives suggestions for organizations looking to develop their own indicators of environmental performance and of how to practically use them. The standard addresses three EPE categories that are relevant for manufacturing: environmental condition, operational performance, and management performance.23 Staniškis, J. & Arbačiauskas, V. Sustainability Performance Indicators for Industrial Enterprise Management. Environmental Research, Engineering and Management 2 42–50 (2009). 30 Joung, C. B., Carrell, J., Sarkar, P. & Feng, S. C. Categorization of indicators for sustainable manufacturing. Ecological Indicators 24, 148–157 (2012).31 Nababan, E., Siahaan, N., Bangun, P. & Rosmaini, E. Environmental Performance Measurement of the Simple Urban Housing in Martubung Medan. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 288, 12059 (2017).
Ford Product Sustainability Index (Ford PSI)
The Ford PSI includes indicators from the three sustainability dimensions of economy, environment, and society, which are specifically adapted to automotive manufacturing. The guide covers different areas throughout the entire product life cycle and addresses sustainable production in its Green Operations Strategy for product creation and distribution.32 FORD. Product Sustainability Index. Available at (2007).
Country-specific indicators
Country-related indicators show the sustainability of an entire country or region and serve as a decision-making tool by tracking indicators, such as ecosystem quality or policy performance, and the degree of sustainable development. These indicators are also relevant for sustainable production as they correlate with common indicators in this field and can provide guidance for organizations. Well-known country-related indicators are the 2005 Environmental Sustainability Indicators (ESI), the Environmental Performance Index (EPI) 2020, and the United Nations – CSD Indicators of Sustainable Development.
2.2.2 Indicators and measurement
Indicators of sustainable production provided by organizations do not only address the economic performance but also the environmental and social effects of production. Therefore, consideration of the triple bottom line is covered. In the area of sustainable production, technology and performance are additional indicator categories.31 Joung, C. B., Carrell, J., Sarkar, P. & Feng, S. C. Categorization of indicators for sustainable manufacturing. Ecological Indicators 24, 148–157 (2012). Figure 1 shows a structure based on the different indicator categories in sustainable production with their subcategories. Based on the categorization of possible indicators, companies can choose key performance indicators (KPIs) to evaluate the sustainability of their processes and products linked to manufacturing.
Environmental stewardship
Environmental stewardship refers to the protection, preservation, and responsible use of natural resources through sustainable practices to improve the resilience of the ecosystem and human well-being. 33 Chapin, F. S. et al. Ecosystem stewardship: sustainability strategies for a rapidly changing planet. Trends in ecology & evolution 25, 241–249 (2010). In this category, emissions into the environment, such as greenhouse gases in the form of carbon dioxide and methane, and solid waste as well as pollution by hazardous substances through production are relevant.34 United States Environmental Protection Agency. Overview of Greenhouse Gases. Available at (n.d.). Resource consumption covers factors such as water, material, and energy and the land use associated with a production process. Preservation, habitat management, and biodiversity address flora and fauna species in a certain habitat. In order to measure the effects of a production process on these factors, natural habitat conservation presents the fourth subcategory of environmental stewardship.31 Joung, C. B., Carrell, J., Sarkar, P. & Feng, S. C. Categorization of indicators for sustainable manufacturing. Ecological Indicators 24, 148–157 (2012).
Indicator Category | Indicator | Interpretation | Source |
Emissions | O4. Greenhouse gas intensity | GHGs produced during production per unit of output. | OECD Toolkit for Sustainable Manufacturing |
Pollution | O7. Intensity of residual releases to surface water | Release of effluents per unit of output. | OECD Toolkit for Sustainable Manufacturing |
Life cycle air quality | Ethane and equivalent emissions released. | FORD PSI | |
Resource Consumption | O1: Water intensity | Consumption of water per unit of output. | OECD Toolkit for Sustainable Manufacturing |
Energy use | Share of renewable energy sources in total energy use. | UN-CSD | |
Natural Habitat Conservation | Ecoregion protection | Efforts spent on the protection of ecoregions. | 2005 EPI |
The OECD Toolkit for Sustainable Production, in particular, includes the area of environmental stewardship in production, but the 2005 ESI, the 2020 EPI, the United Nations – CSD Indicators of Sustainable Development, and the FORD PSI also cover this area. Therefore, this category is covered by most of the indicator sets, especially in the field of sustainable production.
Economic growth
Cost, profit, and investment indicators are used to measure the economic growth of an organization. Not only do they measure the net profit or turnover values of a company or the costs of the different production steps, they also calculate the impact of investments,the most severe subcategory of an organization’s economic growth. Here, general finance-related investments as well as green investments that promote environmentally friendly investments are included in the calculation of the indicators.31 Joung, C. B., Carrell, J., Sarkar, P. & Feng, S. C. Categorization of indicators for sustainable manufacturing. Ecological Indicators 24, 148–157 (2012). The economic growth perspective of sustainable manufacturing is covered by the GRI and the DJSI.
Indicator Category | Indicator | Interpretation | Source |
Profit | Net total return | Of the calendar year performance. | DJSI |
Costs | Operating costs | Cash payments made outside the organization for materials, product components, facilities, and services purchased. | GRI 201: Economic Performance |
Investments | Community investments | Voluntary donations plus the investment of funds in the broader community where the target beneficiaries are external to the organization. | GRI 201: Economic Performance |
Social well-being
The social impacts of production processes and products are measured by social well-being indicators. The groups to which these aspects relate are employees, customers, and the surrounding community. They are directly and indirectly affected by the actions of a company, and taking these impacts into account is a prerequisite for an organization’s socially sustainable behavior. Employee indicators cover employee satisfaction and their personal development, as well as occupational health and safety aspects in the production process. Due to human rights matters and the connection between employee satisfaction and the quality of outputs, employee-related indicators are necessary for sustainable manufacturing. Health and safety, satisfaction, and the inclusion of human rights also play a role in product use by customers. Related indicators measure the ability of a company to meet its customers’ demands and desires regarding the manufacturing process and are vital for measuring customer satisfaction levels, which are essential for the existence of a company. Community indicators relate to justice and product responsibility aspects with regard to the different actors that are affected by a company’s actions. Through the measurement of fairness, equity, human rights, and corruption levels, the relationship between an organization and its community is rated.31 Joung, C. B., Carrell, J., Sarkar, P. & Feng, S. C. Categorization of indicators for sustainable manufacturing. Ecological Indicators 24, 148–157 (2012). The GRI indicator sets provide social indicators that refer to manufacturing processes.
Indicator Category | Indicator | Interpretation | Source |
Employee | Average hours of training per year per employee | Average hours of training that the organization’s employees have undertaken during the reporting period. | GRI 404: Training and Education 2016 |
Employee training on human rights policies or procedures | Total number of hours devoted to or the percentage of employees trained in human rights policies or procedures concerning aspects of human rights that are relevant to operations. | GRI 412: Human Rights Assessment | |
Customer | Substantiated complaints concerning breaches of customer privacy and losses of customer data | Total number of substantiated complaints received concerning breaches of customer privacy connected to the total number of identified leaks, thefts, or losses of customer data. | GRI 418: Customer Privacy |
Community | Community investments | Voluntary donations plus the investment of funds in the broader community where the target beneficiaries are external to the organization. | GRI 201: Economic Performance |
Technological advancement
Even though categorical technological advancement indicators are not a typical component of the three sustainability dimensions, they can support sustainable production. They measure the usage of progressive technologies in manufacturing processes, where they focus on the ability to encourage technological advancement in the company. For sustainable production processes, technological advancement is beneficial as it improves not only the economic growth of an organization through innovative products, but also environmental stewardship through limiting emissions and increasing social acceptance. Research and development (R&D) indicators include an organization’s monetary investments and the duration of R&D projects within the company and for manufacturing processes. Moreover, an employee’s experience within the R&D department regarding the advantage of innovation in process and product development is included in the calculations. Factors such as the quantity of technology used, sold, and purchased by the organization to improve production processes are clustered into high-tech product indicators.31 Joung, C. B., Carrell, J., Sarkar, P. & Feng, S. C. Categorization of indicators for sustainable manufacturing. Ecological Indicators 24, 148–157 (2012). The NISTEP indicator set serves as a base for the technological advancement category as it assesses the promotion of new and advanced technologies.
Research & Development (R&D) | R&D expenditure | Nominal value of R&D expenditures. | NISTEP |
Education and human resource development for science and technology | Amount of personnel educated and developed in science and technology. | NISTEP | |
High-Tech Products | High-tech product output | Quantity of high-tech products produced. | NISTEP |
Performance management
Performance management indicators are not a part of the three traditional sustainability dimensions but do measure them indirectly. An organization’s capability to meet or surpass guidelines for manufacturing products and processes is evaluated with the help of conformance indicators. They ensure the maintenance of high-level performance values but also help sustain the business by adhering to manufacturing guidelines and safety regulations. Program and policy performance indicators examine the management of the policies and goals of a company. The development of sustainability indicators through the introduction of specific programs and policies in a company is also assessed.31 Joung, C. B., Carrell, J., Sarkar, P. & Feng, S. C. Categorization of indicators for sustainable manufacturing. Ecological Indicators 24, 148–157 (2012). The ISO 14031 indicator set establishes the sustainable performance management category of manufacturing.
Indicator Category | Indicator | Interpretation | Source |
Conformance | Government regulation compliance | Ability to adhere to production regulations. | ISO 14031 |
Program and Policy | Development of garbage disposal system | Effectiveness of the development. | ISO 14031 |
2.3 Advantages and disadvantages of indicators
Using indicators and key figures for sustainable production offers many advantages, but the challenges and disadvantages should not be ignored. The main advantage of using indicators is that the results of the measurements help companies to identify the main problem areas and focus on areas where improvements regarding sustainability can be made. This is helpful for management decisions and the monitoring of the desired development goal.23 Staniškis, J. & Arbačiauskas, V. Sustainability Performance Indicators for Industrial Enterprise Management. Environmental Research, Engineering and Management 2 42–50 (2009). 31 Joung, C. B., Carrell, J., Sarkar, P. & Feng, S. C. Categorization of indicators for sustainable manufacturing. Ecological Indicators 24, 148–157 (2012). In addition, customers, investors, and other external groups benefit from the use and publication of corporate key figures through increased transparency and the resulting comparability, as well as assistance in decision-making. The GRI standard stands out here because it makes companies and their performance internationally comparable and generates transparency across their production processes.23 Staniškis, J. & Arbačiauskas, V. Sustainability Performance Indicators for Industrial Enterprise Management. Environmental Research, Engineering and Management 2 42–50 (2009).
In contrast, a disadvantage is that the use of sustainable production indicators means that companies focus too much on external factors and their external impact and appearance. This is accompanied by the concern that the indicators applied are only used to improve the external impact of the production process and to engage in so-called greenwashing.35 Medne, A. & Lapina, I. Sustainability and Continuous Improvement of Organization: Review of Process-Oriented Performance Indicators. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity 5, 49 (2019). Therefore, a major challenge for companies is to choose appropriate performance indicators to support operational decision-making and not to get distracted by their external appearance. The GRI guidelines are particularly affected by this as they focus on external reporting.23 Staniškis, J. & Arbačiauskas, V. Sustainability Performance Indicators for Industrial Enterprise Management. Environmental Research, Engineering and Management 2 42–50 (2009). 31 Joung, C. B., Carrell, J., Sarkar, P. & Feng, S. C. Categorization of indicators for sustainable manufacturing. Ecological Indicators 24, 148–157 (2012). Not only is the selection of suitable indicators from the numerous sets available challenging, but also their interpretability is often not entirely clear, as the complex interrelationships within the production process can lead to conflicting conclusions about indicator calculations and, as a result, steps towards improving sustainability cannot clearly be defined and distinguished.36 Kibira, D., Jain, S. & McLean, C. A System Dynamics Modeling Framework for Sustainable Manufacturing. Available at (2009).37 Ueda, K., Takenaka, T., Váncza, J. & Monostori, L. Value creation and decision-making in sustainable society. CIRP Annals 58, 681–700 (2009).
2.4 Development of and trends in sustainable production indicators
The number of indicators of and key figures regarding sustainable production has increased in recent years as a result of the issue of sustainability becoming progressively important in politics and society and the fact that companies are under pressure to adapt to these developments. In particular, the number of indicators in the social area has increased significantly. This shows development towards responsible production conditions but also raises the question of the constancy of social sustainability indicators. Further, these indicators are mainly organization-based, and the development of more product, and especially process, indicators is desirable.31 Joung, C. B., Carrell, J., Sarkar, P. & Feng, S. C. Categorization of indicators for sustainable manufacturing. Ecological Indicators 24, 148–157 (2012). Additionally, with the publication of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the focus has shifted to the area of sustainable production, which has led to a further increase in the development of environmental indicators.38 United Nations. Transforming our world: The 2030 Agenda for sustainable development. Available at (2015).
Technological indicators in production are also becoming increasingly more important. Soon, indicators from areas such as data management, technological transparency and connectivity, and product management will play a more significant role. These include parameters like IT efficiency, the correctness and completeness of data, and digital coverage and virtually controllable resources.39 Joppen, R., Enzberg, S. von, Gundlach, J., Kühn, A. & Dumitrescu, R. Key performance indicators in the production of the future. Procedia CIRP 81, 759–764 (2019). In particular, more research on the effects of technological indicators on the environmental, social, and economic sustainability dimensions will be of increasing importance.31 Joung, C. B., Carrell, J., Sarkar, P. & Feng, S. C. Categorization of indicators for sustainable manufacturing. Ecological Indicators 24, 148–157 (2012).
3 Tools
Various methods and tools can support the development from traditional to sustainable production. Lean and green management is an encompassing approach that aims to reduce waste and improve efficiency in production processes. Lean aspects mainly intend to achieve economic profit and success in competition through increased efficiency. Specific tools for implementation are Six Sigma and Industry 4.0. Green tools can either be end-of-pipe measures or the life cycle inventory, which focus on environmental aspects in production processes. Lean manufacturing as part of the lean and green approach is used to eliminate waste in the manufacturing and service industry. According to Wahab, this means that “half of the human effort in the factory, half of the manufacturing space, half of the investment in tools and half of the engineering hours (are required) to develop a new product in half the time,” with the same or higher quality.40 Wahab, A. N. A., Mukhtar, M. & Sulaiman, R. A Conceptual Model of Lean Manufacturing Dimensions. Procedia Technology 11, 1292–1298 (2013). Studies have shown that lean manufacturing is also tightly bound to employee development and their sustainable awareness.41 Oliveira, R. I. de, Sousa, S. O. & Campos, F. C. de. Lean manufacturing implementation: bibliometric analysis 2007–2018. Int J Adv Manuf Technol 101, 979–988 (2019). The most important aspects of lean manufacturing are the achievement of maximum quality, error proof systems, as little inventory as possible, regular maintenance, and flexibility in production chains.42 Chun Wu, Y. Lean manufacturing: a perspective of lean suppliers. International Journal of Operations & Production Management 23, 1349–1376 (2003). To use capacities most effectively, the lead time, meaning the time span between production dispatching to the delivery of the completed products, and possible downtimes must be reduced.43 Nejati, M. & Nejati, M. Online vs. Offline Movie Rental: A Comparative Study of Carbon Footprints. Global Business and Management Research: An International Journal, 2 (2009). This is strongly dependent on an appropriate product design, a functioning supply chain, workers’ participation, and sustainable marketing, including taking care of customer relationships.44 Nejati, M. & Nejati, M. Online vs. Offline Movie Rental: A Comparative Study of Carbon Footprints. Global Business and Management Research: An International Journal, 2 (2009). 45 Hines, P. & Rich, N. The seven value stream mapping tools. International Journal of Operations & Production Management 17, 46–64 (1997).
3.1 Value Stream Mapping
Value stream mapping (VSM) is essential for the redesign of current manufacturing processes according to lean aspects.46 Serrano Lasa, I., Ochoa Laburu, C. & Castro Vila, R. de. An evaluation of the value stream mapping tool. Business Process Management Journal 14, 39–52 (2008). It is the visualization of current and future production lines, including the required materials and information from each production step. According to the frequency in the production process, a certain value is assigned to the waste to analyze it numerically.47 Zahrotun, N. & Taufiq, I. Lean Manufacturing: Waste Reduction Using Value Stream Mapping. E3S Web Conf. 73, 7010 (2018). For this purpose, overproduction, waiting times, transport, inappropriate processing, and unnecessary inventory, motions, or defects are looked at in detail.45 Hines, P. & Rich, N. The seven value stream mapping tools. International Journal of Operations & Production Management 17, 46–64 (1997). According to Hines and Rich (1997), several tools can be applied to improve the detected issues. To eliminate unnecessary activities, process activity mapping can be used. Herein, each item that is required in each area of the production chain is monitored and commented on. The supply chain response matrix demonstrates the lead time between the distribution company and its suppliers and can thus help to reduce the timespan. In order to find inventory reduction possibilities, the production variety funnel analyzes the complexity of production and the need for material availability. Within quality filter mapping, the output is tested regarding its quality, which, in turn, leads to a decrease in defects. Overproduction can be eliminated with demand amplification mapping since it illustrates the fluctuation of demand at several time spots. Decision point analysis also contributes to this aspect. Therewithin, a specific product quantity that is necessary to cover demand is analyzed.45 Hines, P. & Rich, N. The seven value stream mapping tools. International Journal of Operations & Production Management 17, 46–64 (1997). Companies do not need to implement all the tools. After using general VSM, an overview of the most critical issues exists. Based on this, appropriate tools can be chosen to find a well-founded solution.48 Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität. Was bedeutet Six Sigma + Lean? Available at (2018).
VSM and its follow-up tools offer the advantage of reducing extra output through an improvement in performance.49 Dudbridge, M. Handbook of Lean Manufacturing in the Food Industry (John Wiley & Sons, New York, 2011). It has been observed that costs also tend to decrease since a higher output can be achieved, and resources are used more responsibly due to waste reduction. Further, companies that apply VSM achieve a better reputation. Due to their better functioning systems, they can flexibly react to demand in a shorter period of time.49 Dudbridge, M. Handbook of Lean Manufacturing in the Food Industry (John Wiley & Sons, New York, 2011). Still, companies should be aware that implementation takes a long time since several areas are to be analyzed in detail, and on top of that, new processes must be created and integrated into the systems.44 Nejati, M. & Nejati, M. Online vs. Offline Movie Rental: A Comparative Study of Carbon Footprints. Global Business and Management Research: An International Journal, 2 (2009). Additionally, VSM is an ongoing process, which needs to be adapted regularly since general digitalization requires constant changes and improvements.41 Wahab, A. N. A., Mukhtar, M. & Sulaiman, R. A Conceptual Model of Lean Manufacturing Dimensions. Procedia Technology 11, 1292–1298 (2013).
3.2 Six Sigma
Six Sigma is a method that measures and evaluates the quality of a process and a product. This approach was developed by the company Motorola in the 1980s as a result of the intention of integrating a quality management concept. The expression stems from sigma, which refers to deviation in statistics. Six Sigma therefore represents 99.999666%, which is a claim relating to the product’s quality.50 Oppel, A. & Simschek, R. Six Sigma (UVK Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, Konstanz, München, 2018). Six Sigma, as part of the lean manufacturing approach, can be useful in terms of fully meeting customers’ expectations and requirements by reducing defects, overproduction, or the excessive use of resources.48 Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität. Was bedeutet Six Sigma + Lean? Available at (2018). With regard to its implementation, five different phases are considered separately. First, the goals and scope of the project, such as the manufacturing of the product, are described in detail. Therewithin, the necessary KPIs, but also the interests and expectations of customers, are identified. The measuring stage then includes the data collection and presentation. Any created figures are useful in determining how the input relates to the output. Third, during the analyzation step, the data and diagrams need to be elaborated on to find possible gaps or issues in any production process. In this phase, it is necessary to find the specific reasons for the identified issues. During the improvement phase, solutions for these issues need to be created. All the solutions are analyzed based on their possible costs, value, risks, and feasibility. The best option then needs to be implemented. The last step is essential for future success: The controlling stage means that the defined improvements have to be monitored regularly to make sure that the identified issues will not occur again.51 Ahman, S. N. Boeing Case Study: The Lean Six Sigma Way in 2021. Available at (n.d.).52 Antunes, J., Pinto, A., Reis, P. & Henriques, C. Industry 4.0: a challenge of competition. Millenium, 6, 89–97 (2018).53 Mohamed, M. Challenges and Benefits of Industry 4.0: An overview. International Journal of Supply and Operations Management, 5, 256-265 (2018).
Boeing implemented the Six Sigma tool in 2005, when its management was facing a technical problem with the Boeing 777. During a test run on the functioning of the components, the recirculating air fans were rejected.54 Roff, R. Problem-solving approach helps team pinpoint solution. Available at (2005). Boeing’s aircrafts are assembled from millions of single components. Previously, to find the specific cause of a problem, several parts had to be removed to be tested in terms of their functionality. This process not only took a long time but was also very cost intensive. Also, the participation of several departments, such as engineering, quality, manufacturing, and supply management, was required.55 Li, J., Zeng, J., Ye, Z. & Huang, X. Are Clean Technologies More Effective Than End-of-Pipe Technologies? Evidence from Chinese Manufacturing. International journal of environmental research and public health 18, 4012 (2021). Using the Six Sigma approach, foreign object debris could be detected. Specialists further investigated the main processes during which the problem occurred. Several other issues, such as damaged electrical test equipment and marginal electrical connections, were found. The subsequent redesign of the installation work instructions was necessary to prevent repeated occurrences of such issues.54 Roff, R. Problem-solving approach helps team pinpoint solution. Available at (2005). Since then, Boeing uses the lean Six Sigma approach in all its production stages and is the owner of several hundred certificates. Nevertheless, the approach is not officially ordered by top management but has been accepted and voluntarily implemented on an operating basis.51 Ahman, S. N. Boeing Case Study: The Lean Six Sigma Way in 2021. Available at (n.d.).
3.3 Industry 4.0
The connotation of Industry 4.0 stems from the fourth revolution, building on steam engines, assembly lines, and computers in the form of smart factories.17 BMWI. Digitale Transformation in der Industrie. Available at (n.d.). By making factories and production processes more flexible and reconfigurable through the latest digital possibilities, it contributes to the lean aspect of the lean and green management approach and can also be seen as part of integrated environmental protection. High production efficiency, lower costs, reduced resource consumption, and no sacrifices in terms of product quality are the main economic drivers of Industry 4.0.56 Hemmelskamp, J. Umweltpolitik und Innovation: Grundlegende Begriffe und Zusammenhänge. ZEW Discussion Papers, 4 (1996). Drivers of the fourth industrial revolution are, amongst others, the availability of several broadband connections, very small computers and sensors, and a decrease in the prices of technology, leading to the faster and more efficient processing of data.17 BMWI. Digitale Transformation in der Industrie. Available at (n.d.). Technologies, such as the Internet of Things (IoT), cloud computing, big data, robotics, simulations, modeling, and 3D printing enable machines to interact with each other or even with their human operators.57 Gerekli, İ., Ziyad Çelik, T. & Bozkurt, İ. Industry 4.0 and Smart Production. TEM Journal, 10, 799–805 (2021).52 Antunes, J., Pinto, A., Reis, P. & Henriques, C. Industry 4.0: a challenge of competition. Millenium, 6, 89–97 (2018).
Industry 4.0 offers the decisive advantage of being able to quickly react to changes or individual customer requests.17 BMWI. Digitale Transformation in der Industrie. Available at (n.d.). Simple interface updates as well as an automatic error detection and correction system enable a frictionless and instantaneous production flow.57 Gerekli, İ., Ziyad Çelik, T. & Bozkurt, İ. Industry 4.0 and Smart Production. TEM Journal, 10, 799–805 (2021). As support for manual work, data processing technologies can reorder materials independently, thus preventing supply bottlenecks. Heavy goods can also be processed automatically with the use of robots and no longer need to be transported by manpower.17 BMWI. Digitale Transformation in der Industrie. Available at (n.d.). This contrasts with the consequence of declining jobs in the manufacturing industry and the challenge for smaller and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and for those companies located in less developed countries of keeping up with technological progress.52 Antunes, J., Pinto, A., Reis, P. & Henriques, C. Industry 4.0: a challenge of competition. Millenium, 6, 89–97 (2018). 53 Mohamed, M. Challenges and Benefits of Industry 4.0: An overview. International Journal of Supply and Operations Management, 5, 256-265 (2018). Another critical aspect concerns data security and thus the handling of confidential information in terms of competition. Industry 4.0 aims for global networking rather than isolated connections within individual companies. In the case of the establishment of a smart factory, companies should therefore consider a comprehensive IT and data security concept.17 BMWI. Digitale Transformation in der Industrie. Available at (n.d.).
The implementation of Industry 4.0 is still in its infancy. In Germany, around 26 funded 4.0 competence centers offer SMEs programs on sensitization, information, testing, and training.17 BMWI. Digitale Transformation in der Industrie. Available at (n.d.). ] An additional €40 billion has been spent every year up until 2020 to support the development of Industry 4.0. In 2020, 20% of companies in the automotive sector were already using self-controlled systems.17 BMWI. Digitale Transformation in der Industrie. Available at (n.d.). Daimler is one of the pioneers with the opening of its Factory 56 in September 2020 in Sindelfingen, Germany. Its digital ecosystem MO360 (Mercedes Benz Cars Operations 360) consists of several software applications that are connected by common gateways and uniform user interfaces, supporting the worldwide vehicle production of their 30 Mercedes Benz car sites with real-time data. Up to now, only the factory in Sindelfingen is completely modernized, but the digital progress will be gradually established in all the other locations as well. The size and distribution of the production halls were chosen so that all sizes of Mercedes models can be produced. With respect to technical standards, all the equipment is based on the IoT, smart devices, and big data algorithms that operate as part of a high-performance internet and 5G mobile network. Digital services, such as tracking and tracing, enable automatic communication with suppliers to control a fluent material and production process. Due to the tracking function, important information, such as the current production status or any error messages, can be displayed directly at the appropriate point in the production chain. If necessary, manual operation can be used to react immediately without spending time searching for the cause. Robots are also used to enable ergonomic working by bringing the vehicle that is to be assembled to a comfortable working height.58 Daimler. Mercedes-Benz präsentiert mit der Factory 56 die Zukunft der Produktion | Daimler. Available at (2020).
3.4 End-of-pipe technologies
End-of-pipe (EOP) technologies serve the green aspect within lean and green management. Included here are all disposal processes and recycling technologies that are retrospectively added to production processes. The aim is to clean or modify raw emissions and residuals so that they are less polluting, easier to store, and reusable or recyclable. As a result, environmental damage should be reduced.55 Li, J., Zeng, J., Ye, Z. & Huang, X. Are Clean Technologies More Effective Than End-of-Pipe Technologies? Evidence from Chinese Manufacturing. International journal of environmental research and public health 18, 4012 (2021). Measures, such as filters, scrubbers, cyclones, and centrifuges, can be used to transform conventional polluting systems into more sustainable and environmentally friendly production processes.59 Steger, U. Integrierter Umweltschutz als Gegenstand eines Umweltmanagements. In Integrierter Umweltschutz, edited by H. Kreikebaum (Gabler Verlag, Wiesbaden, 1990), pp. 33–43.
Alongside their compliance with governmental regulations, EOP technologies offer several environmental advantages. Most importantly, fewer emissions are released into nature and the atmosphere. Since such measures do not necessarily have a direct impact on the production processes themselves, they are easier and less expensive to adapt than a complete re-equipping.55 Li, J., Zeng, J., Ye, Z. & Huang, X. Are Clean Technologies More Effective Than End-of-Pipe Technologies? Evidence from Chinese Manufacturing. International journal of environmental research and public health 18, 4012 (2021). Consideration should be given, however, to the timeliness of the EOP measures. Integrated environmental protection is slowly becoming more established, so EOP technologies are becoming more obsolete.59 Steger, U. Integrierter Umweltschutz als Gegenstand eines Umweltmanagements. In Integrierter Umweltschutz, edited by H. Kreikebaum (Gabler Verlag, Wiesbaden, 1990), pp. 33–43. Further, this tool is criticized due to its lack of efficiency and innovative strength. Since only output is considered in environmental improvement measures, the input does not change, and thus, the ecological dimension is only included to a limited extent. The approach also offers less incentive for innovation, since only smaller parts for specific processes must be added rather than thinking through the entire production cycle.56 Hemmelskamp, J. Umweltpolitik und Innovation: Grundlegende Begriffe und Zusammenhänge. ZEW Discussion Papers, 4 (1996). Any added parts cause additional capital as well, and as a result, the capital equipment increases while output remains the same.59 Steger, U. Integrierter Umweltschutz als Gegenstand eines Umweltmanagements. In Integrierter Umweltschutz, edited by H. Kreikebaum (Gabler Verlag, Wiesbaden, 1990), pp. 33–43. Considering the increase in capital, the prices of the final products are also likely to increase, making the company less attractive in terms of retaining its customers.60 Beuth. DIN EN ISO 14040:2021-02, Umweltmanagement_- Ökobilanz_- Grundsätze und Rahmenbedingungen (ISO_14040:2006_+ Amd_1:2020); Deutsche Fassung EN_ISO_14040:2006_+ A1:2020 (Beuth Verlag GmbH, Berlin, 2021). Lastly, studies found that climate change mitigation is likely to only be postponed, meaning that the amount of filtered waste material, and thus the amount of specific waste, increases, leading to a bottleneck in hazardous waste disposal.59 Steger, U. Integrierter Umweltschutz als Gegenstand eines Umweltmanagements. In Integrierter Umweltschutz, edited by H. Kreikebaum (Gabler Verlag, Wiesbaden, 1990), pp. 33–43.
3.5 Life cycle inventory
Life cycle inventory (LCI) is part of the life cycle assessment (LCA) approach, which examines the environmental and social impacts of a product or service during its life cycle.61 ICCA. How to Know If and When it’s Time to Commission a Life Cycle Assessment. Available at (n.d.). The life cycle starts with the extraction of the required raw materials and continues with their processing, the distribution to end customers, including use, repair, and maintenance, and ends with their recycling or disposal.61 ICCA. How to Know If and When it’s Time to Commission a Life Cycle Assessment. Available at (n.d.). Generally, LCA supports the idea of the circular economy since it analyzes several improvement possibilities, especially with respect to the negative impacts.62 Colley, T. A., Birkved, M., Olsen, S. I. & Hauschild, M. Z. Using a gate-to-gate LCA to apply circular economy principles to a food processing SME. Journal of Cleaner Production, 251 (2020).A measure to specifically improve sustainable production is the LCI gate-to-gate approach, wherein the impacts are analyzed from the point in time that the raw materials arrive at the manufacturing site until the finished product is delivered to end users.63 Despeisse, M., Ball, P. D. & Evans, S. Modelling and Tactics for Sustainable Manufacturing: an Improvement Methodology. In Sustainable Manufacturing. Shaping Global Value Creation, edited by Günther Seliger (Springer, Berlin, 2012), pp. 9–16. It therefore deals with the essential flows and their combinations from all the processes that concern the manufacturing.64 Hauschild, M. Z. Life Cycle Assessment. (Springer International Publishing, Dordrecht, 2018).
Regarding implementation, two different flows must be considered separately: First, materials, energy, and other necessary resources form the input flow. Second, output flows include the product itself but also waste and emissions.64 Hauschild, M. Z. Life Cycle Assessment. (Springer International Publishing, Dordrecht, 2018). According to Hauschild (2018), six steps are necessary for successful implementation. The first step concerns the identification of any processes that are related to the intended output. Such processes are separated into several levels, depending on their physical contribution (flows that will be physically embodied) and service performance (operating and auxiliary materials, as well as sales activities). Once all the necessary processes are identified, the required data can be collected. Such data can either be measured in units, weight, temperature, or sales quantities and can be collected from internal and external experts. The next step is to narrow down all the data to the amount that is required to produce one predefined product. All the processes of step one can now be brought together in a flow diagram, where the output of one process should equal the input of the following process. In the following step, all the results are aggregated and checked for possible miscalculations. Lastly, all the steps and findings must be properly reported.64 Hauschild, M. Z. Life Cycle Assessment. (Springer International Publishing, Dordrecht, 2018).
LCI is a costly and time-intensive measure. The detailed identification of processes in the first step leads to an even more detailed list of required data.61 ICCA. How to Know If and When it’s Time to Commission a Life Cycle Assessment. Available at (n.d.). In some cases, not all the data are available, which can further distort the result.64 Hauschild, M. Z. Life Cycle Assessment. (Springer International Publishing, Dordrecht, 2018). However, the approach offers a solid basis for decision-making. It highlights trade-offs and can flexibly be used for any type of output.63 Despeisse, M., Ball, P. D. & Evans, S. Modelling and Tactics for Sustainable Manufacturing: an Improvement Methodology. In Sustainable Manufacturing. Shaping Global Value Creation, edited by Günther Seliger (Springer, Berlin, 2012), pp. 9–16. The added value of LCI lies in the representation of all the environmental impacts for each single production step, offering concrete recommendations for more sustainable production. The implementation of LCI can also be outsourced to external consultants and can be certified according to ISO 14040:2006.60 Beuth. DIN EN ISO 14040:2021-02, Umweltmanagement_- Ökobilanz_- Grundsätze und Rahmenbedingungen (ISO_14040:2006_+ Amd_1:2020); Deutsche Fassung EN_ISO_14040:2006_+ A1:2020 (Beuth Verlag GmbH, Berlin, 2021.
In 2016, the German Fraunhofer Institute supported Fairphone, a Dutch mobile phone producer, in implementing the entire LCA approach for its product Fairphone 2. Therewithin, the impact on climate change, resource depletion, human toxicity, and ecotoxicity were addressed in the LCI section. Beforehand, all the components of the mobile phone were determined, and their emissions caused at procurement were calculated. The main drivers of the emissions were packaging and transportation during manufacturing. As a result, the LCI turned out to have the most negative environmental impact of the entire LCA due to its high use of electricity. The processing of certain components, such as the core module with the mainboard, proved to be particular damaging.65 Fraunhofer IZM. Life Cycle Assessment of the Fairphone 2. Available at (2016). In 2020, another LCA was conducted on the product Fairphone 3. Compared to the 2016 findings, the processes and product details had improved. More specifically, transport routes were deliberately shortened, and instead of shipping freight, trains were used. Care was also taken to consume as little as possible in the processing of individual components. For example, the surface area of PCBs was reduced due to a new connector design.66 Fraunhofer IZM. LCA of the Fairphone 3. Available at (2020). The repeated execution of the LCA therefore offers the possibility to uncover potential hazards and to continuously improve production.
4 Drivers and barriers
Whether a company succeeds in implementing sustainable production measures depends on the various drivers and barriers that the organization faces. These drivers and barriers can either be internal, meaning that they lie within the company itself, or external, which is the case when the company must deal with factors that lie outside the firm’s scope.
4.1 Drivers
4.1.1 Internal drivers
Operational efficiency
One of the most important drivers when it comes to almost all economic decisions is the aspect of decreasing costs. If it is more profitable for a company to manufacture in a sustainable rather than an unsustainable way, most companies will have the incentive to use sustainable production practices. In the field of sustainable manufacturing and production, this mostly focuses on the efficient use of resources and the reduction of waste within the production line. In 2012, Despeisse et al. prioritized the key improvement opportunities as follows:
- “Prevention by avoiding resource use: eliminate unnecessary elements to avoid usage at the source […]
- Reduction of waste generation: good housekeeping practice, repair and maintain equipment
- Reduction of resource use by improving efficiency: optimise production schedule […], match demand and supply level to reach best efficiency point of use […], replace technology and resource for less polluting or more efficient ones
- Reuse of waste as resource: look for compatible waste output and demand […]
- Substitution by changing supply or process: renewable and non-toxic inputs […].”63 Despeisse, M., Ball, P. D. & Evans, S. Modelling and Tactics for Sustainable Manufacturing: an Improvement Methodology. In Sustainable Manufacturing. Shaping Global Value Creation, edited by Günther Seliger (Springer, Berlin, 2012), pp. 9–16.
A study conducted by the Fraunhofer Institute points out concrete potential savings in the area of mechanical manufacturing. Up to now, many materials have had to be heated to be formed, which requires a high energy consumption. New technologies for cold or semi-hot forming reduce the required energy, which can increase resource efficiency by up to 25%.67 Fraunhofer Gesellschaft. Energy Efficiency in Production. Future Action Fields. Available at (n.d.). Thus, sustainable changes in production processes can lead to significant cost savings for a company.
Motivation of top management
Top management is involved in all of a company’s major decisions; thus, it can be one of the key drivers for improving the sustainability of production processes. This can be prompted by various factors that lead to sustainable management. One option is the personal value and commitment of the owners of a company.68 Fatoki, O. Drivers and Barriers to Sustainability Manufacturing Practices By Small and Medium Enterprises in South Africa. Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal 25, 1–12 (2019). If sustainability is particularly important to them, they will most likely also align the company and its production processes with sustainability. One example is TOMS, founded in 2006 by Blake Mycoskie. During his holidays in Argentina, the founder noticed many children not wearing shoes, of which the consequences may include diseases from soil-transmitted infections, discrimination, and being prohibited from entering schools. This resulted in the idea of creating a one-for-one business: For every pair of shoes sold, one pair should be given to people in need. By the end of 2019, 95 million pairs of shoes had already been distributed.69 Toms. Impact Report 2019 – 2020. Available at (2021). This demonstrates how important the intrinsic motivation of the owners and top management is in aligning all the processes in a company with sustainability.
Employee satisfaction
Sustainable production that includes measures in the area of occupational health and safety can lead to higher employee satisfaction and increased productivity. This can be explained not only by the fact that better working conditions lead to fewer work-related accidents that cause employees to be absent for a period of time,70 Gbededo, M. A. & Liyanage, K. Identification and Alignment of the Social Aspects of Sustainable Manufacturing with the Theory of Motivation. Sustainability 10, 852 (2018). but also in that the feeling of being appreciated also increases the motivation and commitment regarding one’s work and lowers the fluctuation rate. This ensures that the employee know-how remains within the company and does not migrate to competitors.71 Raziq, A. & Maulabakhsh, R. Impact of Working Environment on Job Satisfaction. Procedia Economics and Finance 23, 717–725 (2015). Another factor to consider is that good working conditions attract an increased number of applicants who want to work for the company. All these aspects contribute to a successful workforce and can be seen as a part of sustainable HR management.
4.1.2 External drivers
Government (regulations)
In the EU, the European Commission implemented the Circular Economy Action Plan (CEAP) in March 2020.72 European Comission. Circular Economy Action Plan. The EU’s new circular action plan paves the way for a cleaner and more competitive Europe. Available at (n.d.). This action plan is one of the main parts of the European Green Deal, whose overarching goals are climate neutrality by 2050 and the decoupling of economic growth from resource use.73 European Comission. A European Green Deal. Striving to be the first climate-neutral continent. Available at (n.d.). The CEAP includes 35 actions that will be implemented within the next few years and targets the entire life cycle of products with the aim of achieving a circular economy, leading to waste prevention and the reuse of resources. In terms of sustainable production, the action plan focuses on sectors with the highest resource consumption, where the potential for circularity is therefore particularly high. This includes, for example, electronics, packaging, and textiles, as well as construction and buildings.72 European Comission. Circular Economy Action Plan. The EU’s new circular action plan paves the way for a cleaner and more competitive Europe. Available at (n.d.). Additionally, these measures are supported by the Ecodesign Directive as well as the Energy Labeling Regulation. These provide EU-wide regulations to improve the environmental performance of products by establishing mandatory (labeling) requirements.74 European Comission. Sustainable Product Policy & Ecodesign. Available at (n.d.).
The cement industry represents a suitable example for implementation. Causing 8% of the global greenhouse gas emissions at present, “cement production is one of the most emission intensive industrial processes.”75 WWF Germany. Climate protection in the concrete and cement industry. Background and possible courses of action. Available at (2019). As indicated by Cembureau, the European Cement Association, in 1990, each ton of cement produced resulted in emissions of 783 kg of CO2. Therefore, as an interim target for becoming less pollutant and for reaching the goal of the European Green Deal of zero net emissions by 2050, emissions are supposed to be reduced to 472 kg CO2/ton by 2030. The main measures in this case are the use of alternative fuels and decarbonated raw materials, as well as the substitution of clinkers, the efficient use of (renewable) electricity, and the capture of CO2.76Cembureau. Cementing the European Green Deal. Reaching Climate Neutrality Along the Cement and Concrete Value Chain by 2050. Available at (2020). This example shows that government regulations can put pressure on companies, leading to increased efforts to achieve the set target.
Labels and certificates
In contrast to regulations that come with a mandatory compulsion to comply, another driver of sustainable production can be voluntary compliance with certain standards in order to be awarded with a particular sustainability label or certificate. A helpful tool for companies in Germany looking to find the labels or certificates that are the most suitable for them is the Sustainability Compass website, which was launched on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development. This evolving project offers the opportunity to find not only certification marks that meet the legal requirements of individual federal states, but also ones that comply with stricter, voluntary guidelines. The website also includes an analysis tool that can be used to compare the labels with each other. In addition, the goal of this project is to facilitate sustainable public procurement processes. This is to be achieved by providing a platform to connect these procurement processes with companies that operate sustainably.77 Kompass Nachhaltigkeit. Sustainability Compass. Available at (n.d.). In terms of production, this website can facilitate the shift to sustainable production methods by providing appropriate incentives and enabling companies to acquire public contracts by adapting a more sustainable approach to their production.
In addition, the European Commission has developed the EU Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS), a voluntary management instrument that companies can use to “evaluate, report, and improve their environmental performance.”78 European Comission. What is EMAS? Available at (n.d.). When reporting on a company’s environmental performance, six core indicators are used: energy efficiency, material efficiency, water, waste, biodiversity, and emissions. These standardized indicators are designed to ensure that reports are comparable and easy to apply.79 German EMAS Advisory Board. The new core indicators of EMAS III. Available at (2010). A key advantage of the EMAS is the external verification of the reports. This increases their credibility and can thus be used by a company to improve its public reputation.80 German EMAS Advisory Board. Good Reasons for EMAS. Available at (2011).
ISO 14001 is an international globally accepted standard for defining an environmental management system. This is divided into four main steps. First, step 1 involves the planning of environmental goals and possible measures. This is followed by the implementation of the defined measures. The third step is the control of the objectives. In some circumstances, there is step 4: this is where improvements to the strategy can be made. An essential component is the integration of environmental management into business processes as well as production and manufacturing.101Umweltbundesamt. ISO 14001 – Umweltmanagementsystemnorm. Available at Retrieved on 15/09/2022. A practical example of the use of this standard in a corporate context is the Oldenburg company CEWE Stiftung & Co. KGaA. Ten CEWE production sites and their subsidiaries are certified according to this standard. The measures within the scope of this certificate make a major contribution to combating climate change. Furthermore, the social goal of creating a peaceful and sustainable development of society is also promoted.102CEWE. Nachhaltigkeitsberichte. Available at Retrieved on 15/09/2022.
Consumers and public attention
In addition, consumers are a key factor in encouraging companies to produce their products more sustainably. This becomes particularly noticeable when looking at the trend in recent years. For example, a study that was recently conducted by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) shows that there has been a 71% increase in Google searches for sustainable products over the last 5 years.103 The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited. An Eco-wakening: Measuring global awareness, engagement and action for nature. Available at (2021). Due to this increasing interest, sustainability-conscious consumers offer an attractive market that can be used to differentiate from competitors. Moreover, these customers often show an increased willingness to pay higher prices for a product if a company produces it in a sustainable manner.104 Schaltegger, S. Sustainability as a Driver for Corporate Economic Success: Consequences for the Development of Sustainability Management Control. Society and Economy 33, 15–28 (2011).
Another factor to consider is the market power of consumers. If a company has very unsustainable production practices that exploit the environment or people and these are revealed, it must expect reputational damage that can result in a loss of sales and revenues. A well-known example in this context is the incident at the Rana Plaza textile factory in Bangladesh in 2013, where the employees had to continue working even though cracks were detected in the building the day before. When the building collapsed, at least 1,132 people died. This event led to global public attention on practices in the textile industry, during which consumers also put pressure on companies to improve the working conditions of their suppliers.105 International Labour Organization. The Rana Plaza Accident and its aftermath. Available at–en/index.htm (n.d.).
4.2 Barriers
4.2.1 Internal barriers
Increased production costs and a lack of organizational resources
Sustainable production can lead to savings in terms of production costs. This is particularly the case at the beginning of the transition to sustainable production processes, as companies can choose options that are easy to implement and save costs, such as switching to more resource-efficient practices. Subsequently, however, implementing sustainability can also lead to increased costs in some areas (e.g., due to the additional effort required for sustainability-related projects).106 Hellmeister, A. & Richins, H. Green to Gold: Beneficial Impacts of Sustainability Certification and Practice on Tour Enterprise Performance. Sustainability 11, 709 (2019). One barrier in this regard is the high short-term costs necessary to purchase newer efficient technologies and integrate them into the production process.107 Mittal, V. K. & Sangwan, K. S. Assessment of hierarchy and inter-relationships of barriers to environmentally conscious manufacturing adoption. World Journal of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development 10, 297–307 (2013).
However, there are ways for companies to overcome this barrier. One option is through financial support from investors focused on promoting innovative sustainability practices. Sustainable banks, such as Triodos Bank, “only lend and invest money into companies that contribute to a more sustainable society.”108 Triodos Bank. Business Principles. Available at (2016). Therefore, this is a possibility when looking to support the purchase of more expensive but also more sustainable and efficient technologies necessary to enhance sustainable production.
Low management commitment and a lack of awareness
In contrast to management and owners that pursue a whole business strategy of a company focused on sustainability, there are other management teams that are either not committed to sustainability or are not aware of why or how they should produce in a more sustainable way. This can also be the case if they do not have access to information about the current technologies available.84 Mittal, V. K. & Sangwan, K. S. Assessment of hierarchy and inter-relationships of barriers to environmentally conscious manufacturing adoption. World Journal of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development 10, 297–307 (2013). A possible way to overcome this barrier could be through awareness campaigns carried out by either governmental or nongovernmental organizations. By approaching a company and highlighting opportunities for improvement, the information gaining process for a company can be facilitated. Material information that can be used in the area of mechanical manufacturing is, for example, a study performed by the Fraunhofer Institute, which points out energy saving potential in this sector.67 Fraunhofer Gesellschaft. Energy Efficiency in Production. Future Action Fields. Available at (n.d.). Contrary to that, there is also the option of initiating protest campaigns, with the goal of uncovering unsustainable business practices and therefore raising public attention regarding certain conditions.109 Chernov, M. & Jordans, F. Hundreds of anti-coal campaigners protest at German mine. Available at (2020).
4.2.2 External barriers
Value-action gap of customers
On the one hand, sustainably manufactured products attract a certain group of customers that is willing to pay more money for sustainable products. On the other hand, not everyone is willing or able to pay higher prices. A term that also needs to be addressed in this context is the “value-action gap.” This term describes the discrepancy between what people say and what they do, meaning the gap between people’s stated values and their actual observed behavior.110 Blake, J. Overcoming the ‘value-action gap’ in environmental policy: Tensions between national policy and local experience. Local Environment 4, 257–278 (1999). This is particularly common with environmental issues, as acting sustainably can be costly for individuals, and positive benefits can only be seen in the long term and mostly for the collective. This social dilemma increases the risk of free-riding because individuals may feel that their own actions are negligible in relation to the overall goal of sustainability.111 van Horen F., van der Wal, A. & Grinstein, A. Green, greener, greenest: Can competition increase sustainable behaviour? Journal of Environmental Psychology 59, 16–25 (2018). One way to counteract this problem can be information campaigns that highlight the importance of sustainable choices and, in addition, the targeted marketing of sustainable products, which is an important part of sustainable marketing.
Weak legislation and enforcement
Two barriers that can prevent companies from implementing sustainable production are the lack of appropriate environmental laws affecting a company’s production processes and the ineffective enforcement of existing regulations.84 Mittal, V. K. & Sangwan, K. S. Assessment of hierarchy and inter-relationships of barriers to environmentally conscious manufacturing adoption. World Journal of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development 10, 297–307 (2013). The number of effective laws concerning sustainable production also depends on the respective country. A study by Daniel Esty and Michael Porter in 2011 compared the quality of environmental regulations in 71 countries. When divided into low-, middle-, and high-income countries, the countries with the highest environmental regulatory quality are Jordan (low-income), Singapore (middle-income), and Finland (high-income). The countries in the last positions, respectively, are Paraguay, Greece, and the United States.112 Esty, D. C. & Porter, M. E. Ranking National Environmental Regulation and Performance: A Leading Indicator of Future Competitiveness? Environment and Development Economics, 78–100 (2011). This comparison demonstrates that there are still serious differences in the regulation of sustainable practices that need to be addressed. Globally valid agreements would therefore enhance sustainability laws worldwide. The 2015 Paris Agreement, which was adopted by almost 190 parties, is one of the first legally binding worldwide climate protection agreements. With its goal of keeping global warming well below 2°C, it is focusing on fighting climate change.113 European Commission. Paris Agreement. Available at (n.d.). This agreement can be taken as a role model for the future to further enact regulations on a global level, rather than separately.
- 1United Nations. United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 3-14 June 1992. Available at (n.d.).
- 2Alayón, C., Säfsten, K. & Johansson, G. Conceptual sustainable production principles in practice: Do they reflect what companies do? Journal of Cleaner Production 141, 693–701 (2017).
- 3Haapala, K. R. et al. A Review of Engineering Research in Sustainable Manufacturing. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering 135, 1–16 (2013).
- 4Moldavska, A. & Welo, T. The concept of sustainable manufacturing and its definitions: A content-analysis based literature review. Journal of Cleaner Production 166, 744–755 (2017).
- 5Rosen, M. A. & Kishawy, H. A. Sustainable Manufacturing and Design: Concepts, Practices and Needs. Sustainability 4, 154–174 (2012).
- 6United States Environmental Protection Agency. Glossary of Sustainable Manufacturing Terms. Available at (n.d.).
- 7Veleva, V., Hart, M., Greiner, T. & Crumbley, C. Indicators of sustainable production. Journal of Cleaner Production 9, 447–452 (2001).
- 8Molamohamadi, O. & Ismail, N. Developing a New Scheme for Sustainable Manufacturing. 1, 1–5 (2013).
- 9OECD. OECD Sustainable Manufacturing Toolkit. Available at (2011).
- 10OECD. OECD Sustainable Manufacturing Toolkit. Available at (2011).
- 11Gbededo, M. & Liyanage, K. Identification and Alignment of the Social Aspects of Sustainable Manufacturing with the Theory of Motivation. Sustainability 10, 852 (2018).
- 12Madan Shankar, K., Kannan, D. & Udhaya Kumar, P. Analyzing sustainable manufacturing practices – A case study in Indian context. Journal of Cleaner Production 164, 1332–1343 (2017).
- 13Sarkis, J. & Zhu, Q. Environmental sustainability and production: taking the road less travelled. International Journal of Production Research 56, 743–759 (2018).
- 14Abdul-Rashid, S. H., Evans, S. & Longhurst, P. A comparison of four sustainable manufacturing strategies. International Journal of Sustainable Engineering 1, 214–229 (2008).
- 15Umweltbundesamt. Nachhaltige Produktion. Available at (2021).
- 16BMWI. Digitale Transformation in der Industrie. Available at (n.d.).
- 17BMWI. Digitale Transformation in der Industrie. Available at (n.d.).
- 18Ellen MacArthur Foundation. Circular economy introduction. What is a circular economy? Available at (n.d.).
- 19Singh, K. & Sultan, I. A. Modelling and Evaluation of KPIs for the Assessment of Sustainable Manufacturing: An Extrusion process case study. Materials Today: Proceedings 5, 3825–3834 (2018).
- 20Fan, C., Carrell, J. D. & Zhang, H. C. An investigation of indicators for measuring sustainable manufacturing. Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE, 1-5 (2010).
- 21GRI. GRI 101: FOUNDATION 2016. Available at (2018).
- 22Staniškis, J. & Arbačiauskas, V. Sustainability Performance Indicators for Industrial Enterprise Management. Environmental Research, Engineering and Management 2 42–50 (2009).
- 23Staniškis, J. & Arbačiauskas, V. Sustainability Performance Indicators for Industrial Enterprise Management. Environmental Research, Engineering and Management 2 42–50 (2009).
- 24OECD. Who we are. Available at (n.d.).
- 25OECD. OECD sustainable manufacturing indicators. Available at (n.d.).
- 26DFGE – Institute for Energy, Ecology and Economy. DJSI: Umfangreiche Nachhaltigkeitsanalyse der weltgrößten Unternehmen. Available at (2021).
- 27S&P Dow Jones Indices. Dow Jones U.S. Total Stock Market Index. Available at (2021).
- 28National Institute of Science and Technology Policy. Science and Technology Indicators: 1994 – A Systematic Analysis of Science and Technology Activities in Japan. NISTEP Report No. 37 (1995).
- 29National Institute of Science and Technology Policy. Digest of Japanese Science and Technology Indicators 2020. Available at (2020).
- 30Joung, C. B., Carrell, J., Sarkar, P. & Feng, S. C. Categorization of indicators for sustainable manufacturing. Ecological Indicators 24, 148–157 (2012).
- 31Joung, C. B., Carrell, J., Sarkar, P. & Feng, S. C. Categorization of indicators for sustainable manufacturing. Ecological Indicators 24, 148–157 (2012).
- 32FORD. Product Sustainability Index. Available at (2007).
- 33Chapin, F. S. et al. Ecosystem stewardship: sustainability strategies for a rapidly changing planet. Trends in ecology & evolution 25, 241–249 (2010).
- 34United States Environmental Protection Agency. Overview of Greenhouse Gases. Available at (n.d.).
- 35Medne, A. & Lapina, I. Sustainability and Continuous Improvement of Organization: Review of Process-Oriented Performance Indicators. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity 5, 49 (2019).
- 36Kibira, D., Jain, S. & McLean, C. A System Dynamics Modeling Framework for Sustainable Manufacturing. Available at (2009).
- 37Ueda, K., Takenaka, T., Váncza, J. & Monostori, L. Value creation and decision-making in sustainable society. CIRP Annals 58, 681–700 (2009).
- 38United Nations. Transforming our world: The 2030 Agenda for sustainable development. Available at (2015).
- 39Joppen, R., Enzberg, S. von, Gundlach, J., Kühn, A. & Dumitrescu, R. Key performance indicators in the production of the future. Procedia CIRP 81, 759–764 (2019).
- 40Wahab, A. N. A., Mukhtar, M. & Sulaiman, R. A Conceptual Model of Lean Manufacturing Dimensions. Procedia Technology 11, 1292–1298 (2013).
- 41Wahab, A. N. A., Mukhtar, M. & Sulaiman, R. A Conceptual Model of Lean Manufacturing Dimensions. Procedia Technology 11, 1292–1298 (2013).
- 42Chun Wu, Y. Lean manufacturing: a perspective of lean suppliers. International Journal of Operations & Production Management 23, 1349–1376 (2003).
- 43Nejati, M. & Nejati, M. Online vs. Offline Movie Rental: A Comparative Study of Carbon Footprints. Global Business and Management Research: An International Journal, 2 (2009).
- 44Nejati, M. & Nejati, M. Online vs. Offline Movie Rental: A Comparative Study of Carbon Footprints. Global Business and Management Research: An International Journal, 2 (2009).
- 45Hines, P. & Rich, N. The seven value stream mapping tools. International Journal of Operations & Production Management 17, 46–64 (1997).
- 46Serrano Lasa, I., Ochoa Laburu, C. & Castro Vila, R. de. An evaluation of the value stream mapping tool. Business Process Management Journal 14, 39–52 (2008).
- 47Zahrotun, N. & Taufiq, I. Lean Manufacturing: Waste Reduction Using Value Stream Mapping. E3S Web Conf. 73, 7010 (2018).
- 48Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität. Was bedeutet Six Sigma + Lean? Available at (2018).
- 49Dudbridge, M. Handbook of Lean Manufacturing in the Food Industry (John Wiley & Sons, New York, 2011).
- 50Oppel, A. & Simschek, R. Six Sigma (UVK Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, Konstanz, München, 2018).
- 51Ahman, S. N. Boeing Case Study: The Lean Six Sigma Way in 2021. Available at (n.d.).
- 52Antunes, J., Pinto, A., Reis, P. & Henriques, C. Industry 4.0: a challenge of competition. Millenium, 6, 89–97 (2018).
- 53Mohamed, M. Challenges and Benefits of Industry 4.0: An overview. International Journal of Supply and Operations Management, 5, 256-265 (2018).
- 54Roff, R. Problem-solving approach helps team pinpoint solution. Available at (2005).
- 55Li, J., Zeng, J., Ye, Z. & Huang, X. Are Clean Technologies More Effective Than End-of-Pipe Technologies? Evidence from Chinese Manufacturing. International journal of environmental research and public health 18, 4012 (2021).
- 56Hemmelskamp, J. Umweltpolitik und Innovation: Grundlegende Begriffe und Zusammenhänge. ZEW Discussion Papers, 4 (1996).
- 57Gerekli, İ., Ziyad Çelik, T. & Bozkurt, İ. Industry 4.0 and Smart Production. TEM Journal, 10, 799–805 (2021).
- 58Daimler. Mercedes-Benz präsentiert mit der Factory 56 die Zukunft der Produktion | Daimler. Available at (2020).
- 59Steger, U. Integrierter Umweltschutz als Gegenstand eines Umweltmanagements. In Integrierter Umweltschutz, edited by H. Kreikebaum (Gabler Verlag, Wiesbaden, 1990), pp. 33–43.
- 60Beuth. DIN EN ISO 14040:2021-02, Umweltmanagement_- Ökobilanz_- Grundsätze und Rahmenbedingungen (ISO_14040:2006_+ Amd_1:2020); Deutsche Fassung EN_ISO_14040:2006_+ A1:2020 (Beuth Verlag GmbH, Berlin, 2021.
- 61ICCA. How to Know If and When it’s Time to Commission a Life Cycle Assessment. Available at (n.d.).
- 62Colley, T. A., Birkved, M., Olsen, S. I. & Hauschild, M. Z. Using a gate-to-gate LCA to apply circular economy principles to a food processing SME. Journal of Cleaner Production, 251 (2020).
- 63Despeisse, M., Ball, P. D. & Evans, S. Modelling and Tactics for Sustainable Manufacturing: an Improvement Methodology. In Sustainable Manufacturing. Shaping Global Value Creation, edited by Günther Seliger (Springer, Berlin, 2012), pp. 9–16.
- 64Hauschild, M. Z. Life Cycle Assessment. (Springer International Publishing, Dordrecht, 2018).
- 65Fraunhofer IZM. Life Cycle Assessment of the Fairphone 2. Available at (2016).
- 66Fraunhofer IZM. LCA of the Fairphone 3. Available at (2020).
- 67Fraunhofer Gesellschaft. Energy Efficiency in Production. Future Action Fields. Available at (n.d.).
- 68Fatoki, O. Drivers and Barriers to Sustainability Manufacturing Practices By Small and Medium Enterprises in South Africa. Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal 25, 1–12 (2019).
- 69Toms. Impact Report 2019 – 2020. Available at (2021).
- 70Gbededo, M. A. & Liyanage, K. Identification and Alignment of the Social Aspects of Sustainable Manufacturing with the Theory of Motivation. Sustainability 10, 852 (2018).
- 71Raziq, A. & Maulabakhsh, R. Impact of Working Environment on Job Satisfaction. Procedia Economics and Finance 23, 717–725 (2015).
- 72European Comission. Circular Economy Action Plan. The EU’s new circular action plan paves the way for a cleaner and more competitive Europe. Available at (n.d.).
- 73European Comission. A European Green Deal. Striving to be the first climate-neutral continent. Available at (n.d.).
- 74European Comission. Sustainable Product Policy & Ecodesign. Available at (n.d.).
- 75WWF Germany. Climate protection in the concrete and cement industry. Background and possible courses of action. Available at (2019).
- 76Cembureau. Cementing the European Green Deal. Reaching Climate Neutrality Along the Cement and Concrete Value Chain by 2050. Available at (2020).
- 77Kompass Nachhaltigkeit. Sustainability Compass. Available at (n.d.).
- 78European Comission. What is EMAS? Available at (n.d.).
- 79German EMAS Advisory Board. The new core indicators of EMAS III. Available at (2010).
- 80German EMAS Advisory Board. Good Reasons for EMAS. Available at (2011).
- 101Umweltbundesamt. ISO 14001 – Umweltmanagementsystemnorm. Available at Retrieved on 15/09/2022.
- 102CEWE. Nachhaltigkeitsberichte. Available at Retrieved on 15/09/2022.
- 103The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited. An Eco-wakening: Measuring global awareness, engagement and action for nature. Available at (2021).
- 104Schaltegger, S. Sustainability as a Driver for Corporate Economic Success: Consequences for the Development of Sustainability Management Control. Society and Economy 33, 15–28 (2011).
- 105International Labour Organization. The Rana Plaza Accident and its aftermath. Available at–en/index.htm (n.d.).
- 106Hellmeister, A. & Richins, H. Green to Gold: Beneficial Impacts of Sustainability Certification and Practice on Tour Enterprise Performance. Sustainability 11, 709 (2019).
- 107Mittal, V. K. & Sangwan, K. S. Assessment of hierarchy and inter-relationships of barriers to environmentally conscious manufacturing adoption. World Journal of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development 10, 297–307 (2013).
- 108Triodos Bank. Business Principles. Available at (2016).
- 84Mittal, V. K. & Sangwan, K. S. Assessment of hierarchy and inter-relationships of barriers to environmentally conscious manufacturing adoption. World Journal of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development 10, 297–307 (2013).
- 109Chernov, M. & Jordans, F. Hundreds of anti-coal campaigners protest at German mine. Available at (2020).
- 110Blake, J. Overcoming the ‘value-action gap’ in environmental policy: Tensions between national policy and local experience. Local Environment 4, 257–278 (1999).
- 111van Horen F., van der Wal, A. & Grinstein, A. Green, greener, greenest: Can competition increase sustainable behaviour? Journal of Environmental Psychology 59, 16–25 (2018).
- 112Esty, D. C. & Porter, M. E. Ranking National Environmental Regulation and Performance: A Leading Indicator of Future Competitiveness? Environment and Development Economics, 78–100 (2011).
- 113European Commission. Paris Agreement. Available at (n.d.).
- 1United Nations. United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 3-14 June 1992. Available at (n.d.).
- 2Alayón, C., Säfsten, K. & Johansson, G. Conceptual sustainable production principles in practice: Do they reflect what companies do? Journal of Cleaner Production 141, 693–701 (2017).
- 3Haapala, K. R. et al. A Review of Engineering Research in Sustainable Manufacturing. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering 135, 1–16 (2013).
- 4Moldavska, A. & Welo, T. The concept of sustainable manufacturing and its definitions: A content-analysis based literature review. Journal of Cleaner Production 166, 744–755 (2017).
- 5Rosen, M. A. & Kishawy, H. A. Sustainable Manufacturing and Design: Concepts, Practices and Needs. Sustainability 4, 154–174 (2012).
- 6United States Environmental Protection Agency. Glossary of Sustainable Manufacturing Terms. Available at (n.d.).
- 7Veleva, V., Hart, M., Greiner, T. & Crumbley, C. Indicators of sustainable production. Journal of Cleaner Production 9, 447–452 (2001).
- 8Molamohamadi, O. & Ismail, N. Developing a New Scheme for Sustainable Manufacturing. 1, 1–5 (2013).
- 9OECD. OECD Sustainable Manufacturing Toolkit. Available at (2011).
- 10OECD. OECD Sustainable Manufacturing Toolkit. Available at (2011).
- 11Gbededo, M. & Liyanage, K. Identification and Alignment of the Social Aspects of Sustainable Manufacturing with the Theory of Motivation. Sustainability 10, 852 (2018).
- 12Madan Shankar, K., Kannan, D. & Udhaya Kumar, P. Analyzing sustainable manufacturing practices – A case study in Indian context. Journal of Cleaner Production 164, 1332–1343 (2017).
- 13Sarkis, J. & Zhu, Q. Environmental sustainability and production: taking the road less travelled. International Journal of Production Research 56, 743–759 (2018).
- 14Abdul-Rashid, S. H., Evans, S. & Longhurst, P. A comparison of four sustainable manufacturing strategies. International Journal of Sustainable Engineering 1, 214–229 (2008).
- 15Umweltbundesamt. Nachhaltige Produktion. Available at (2021).
- 16BMWI. Digitale Transformation in der Industrie. Available at (n.d.).
- 17BMWI. Digitale Transformation in der Industrie. Available at (n.d.).
- 18Ellen MacArthur Foundation. Circular economy introduction. What is a circular economy? Available at (n.d.).
- 19Singh, K. & Sultan, I. A. Modelling and Evaluation of KPIs for the Assessment of Sustainable Manufacturing: An Extrusion process case study. Materials Today: Proceedings 5, 3825–3834 (2018).
- 20Fan, C., Carrell, J. D. & Zhang, H. C. An investigation of indicators for measuring sustainable manufacturing. Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE, 1-5 (2010).
- 21GRI. GRI 101: FOUNDATION 2016. Available at (2018).
- 22Staniškis, J. & Arbačiauskas, V. Sustainability Performance Indicators for Industrial Enterprise Management. Environmental Research, Engineering and Management 2 42–50 (2009).
- 23Staniškis, J. & Arbačiauskas, V. Sustainability Performance Indicators for Industrial Enterprise Management. Environmental Research, Engineering and Management 2 42–50 (2009).
- 24OECD. Who we are. Available at (n.d.).
- 25OECD. OECD sustainable manufacturing indicators. Available at (n.d.).
- 26DFGE – Institute for Energy, Ecology and Economy. DJSI: Umfangreiche Nachhaltigkeitsanalyse der weltgrößten Unternehmen. Available at (2021).
- 27S&P Dow Jones Indices. Dow Jones U.S. Total Stock Market Index. Available at (2021).
- 28National Institute of Science and Technology Policy. Science and Technology Indicators: 1994 – A Systematic Analysis of Science and Technology Activities in Japan. NISTEP Report No. 37 (1995).
- 29National Institute of Science and Technology Policy. Digest of Japanese Science and Technology Indicators 2020. Available at (2020).
- 30Joung, C. B., Carrell, J., Sarkar, P. & Feng, S. C. Categorization of indicators for sustainable manufacturing. Ecological Indicators 24, 148–157 (2012).
- 31Joung, C. B., Carrell, J., Sarkar, P. & Feng, S. C. Categorization of indicators for sustainable manufacturing. Ecological Indicators 24, 148–157 (2012).
- 32FORD. Product Sustainability Index. Available at (2007).
- 33Chapin, F. S. et al. Ecosystem stewardship: sustainability strategies for a rapidly changing planet. Trends in ecology & evolution 25, 241–249 (2010).
- 34United States Environmental Protection Agency. Overview of Greenhouse Gases. Available at (n.d.).
- 35Medne, A. & Lapina, I. Sustainability and Continuous Improvement of Organization: Review of Process-Oriented Performance Indicators. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity 5, 49 (2019).
- 36Kibira, D., Jain, S. & McLean, C. A System Dynamics Modeling Framework for Sustainable Manufacturing. Available at (2009).
- 37Ueda, K., Takenaka, T., Váncza, J. & Monostori, L. Value creation and decision-making in sustainable society. CIRP Annals 58, 681–700 (2009).
- 38United Nations. Transforming our world: The 2030 Agenda for sustainable development. Available at (2015).
- 39Joppen, R., Enzberg, S. von, Gundlach, J., Kühn, A. & Dumitrescu, R. Key performance indicators in the production of the future. Procedia CIRP 81, 759–764 (2019).
- 40Wahab, A. N. A., Mukhtar, M. & Sulaiman, R. A Conceptual Model of Lean Manufacturing Dimensions. Procedia Technology 11, 1292–1298 (2013).
- 41Wahab, A. N. A., Mukhtar, M. & Sulaiman, R. A Conceptual Model of Lean Manufacturing Dimensions. Procedia Technology 11, 1292–1298 (2013).
- 42Chun Wu, Y. Lean manufacturing: a perspective of lean suppliers. International Journal of Operations & Production Management 23, 1349–1376 (2003).
- 43Nejati, M. & Nejati, M. Online vs. Offline Movie Rental: A Comparative Study of Carbon Footprints. Global Business and Management Research: An International Journal, 2 (2009).
- 44Nejati, M. & Nejati, M. Online vs. Offline Movie Rental: A Comparative Study of Carbon Footprints. Global Business and Management Research: An International Journal, 2 (2009).
- 45Hines, P. & Rich, N. The seven value stream mapping tools. International Journal of Operations & Production Management 17, 46–64 (1997).
- 46Serrano Lasa, I., Ochoa Laburu, C. & Castro Vila, R. de. An evaluation of the value stream mapping tool. Business Process Management Journal 14, 39–52 (2008).
- 47Zahrotun, N. & Taufiq, I. Lean Manufacturing: Waste Reduction Using Value Stream Mapping. E3S Web Conf. 73, 7010 (2018).
- 48Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität. Was bedeutet Six Sigma + Lean? Available at (2018).
- 49Dudbridge, M. Handbook of Lean Manufacturing in the Food Industry (John Wiley & Sons, New York, 2011).
- 50Oppel, A. & Simschek, R. Six Sigma (UVK Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, Konstanz, München, 2018).
- 51Ahman, S. N. Boeing Case Study: The Lean Six Sigma Way in 2021. Available at (n.d.).
- 52Antunes, J., Pinto, A., Reis, P. & Henriques, C. Industry 4.0: a challenge of competition. Millenium, 6, 89–97 (2018).
- 53Mohamed, M. Challenges and Benefits of Industry 4.0: An overview. International Journal of Supply and Operations Management, 5, 256-265 (2018).
- 54Roff, R. Problem-solving approach helps team pinpoint solution. Available at (2005).
- 55Li, J., Zeng, J., Ye, Z. & Huang, X. Are Clean Technologies More Effective Than End-of-Pipe Technologies? Evidence from Chinese Manufacturing. International journal of environmental research and public health 18, 4012 (2021).
- 56Hemmelskamp, J. Umweltpolitik und Innovation: Grundlegende Begriffe und Zusammenhänge. ZEW Discussion Papers, 4 (1996).
- 57Gerekli, İ., Ziyad Çelik, T. & Bozkurt, İ. Industry 4.0 and Smart Production. TEM Journal, 10, 799–805 (2021).
- 58Daimler. Mercedes-Benz präsentiert mit der Factory 56 die Zukunft der Produktion | Daimler. Available at (2020).
- 59Steger, U. Integrierter Umweltschutz als Gegenstand eines Umweltmanagements. In Integrierter Umweltschutz, edited by H. Kreikebaum (Gabler Verlag, Wiesbaden, 1990), pp. 33–43.
- 60Beuth. DIN EN ISO 14040:2021-02, Umweltmanagement_- Ökobilanz_- Grundsätze und Rahmenbedingungen (ISO_14040:2006_+ Amd_1:2020); Deutsche Fassung EN_ISO_14040:2006_+ A1:2020 (Beuth Verlag GmbH, Berlin, 2021.
- 61ICCA. How to Know If and When it’s Time to Commission a Life Cycle Assessment. Available at (n.d.).
- 62Colley, T. A., Birkved, M., Olsen, S. I. & Hauschild, M. Z. Using a gate-to-gate LCA to apply circular economy principles to a food processing SME. Journal of Cleaner Production, 251 (2020).
- 63Despeisse, M., Ball, P. D. & Evans, S. Modelling and Tactics for Sustainable Manufacturing: an Improvement Methodology. In Sustainable Manufacturing. Shaping Global Value Creation, edited by Günther Seliger (Springer, Berlin, 2012), pp. 9–16.
- 64Hauschild, M. Z. Life Cycle Assessment. (Springer International Publishing, Dordrecht, 2018).
- 65Fraunhofer IZM. Life Cycle Assessment of the Fairphone 2. Available at (2016).
- 66Fraunhofer IZM. LCA of the Fairphone 3. Available at (2020).
- 67Fraunhofer Gesellschaft. Energy Efficiency in Production. Future Action Fields. Available at (n.d.).
- 68Fatoki, O. Drivers and Barriers to Sustainability Manufacturing Practices By Small and Medium Enterprises in South Africa. Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal 25, 1–12 (2019).
- 69Toms. Impact Report 2019 – 2020. Available at (2021).
- 70Gbededo, M. A. & Liyanage, K. Identification and Alignment of the Social Aspects of Sustainable Manufacturing with the Theory of Motivation. Sustainability 10, 852 (2018).
- 71Raziq, A. & Maulabakhsh, R. Impact of Working Environment on Job Satisfaction. Procedia Economics and Finance 23, 717–725 (2015).
- 72European Comission. Circular Economy Action Plan. The EU’s new circular action plan paves the way for a cleaner and more competitive Europe. Available at (n.d.).
- 73European Comission. A European Green Deal. Striving to be the first climate-neutral continent. Available at (n.d.).
- 74European Comission. Sustainable Product Policy & Ecodesign. Available at (n.d.).
- 75WWF Germany. Climate protection in the concrete and cement industry. Background and possible courses of action. Available at (2019).
- 76Cembureau. Cementing the European Green Deal. Reaching Climate Neutrality Along the Cement and Concrete Value Chain by 2050. Available at (2020).
- 77Kompass Nachhaltigkeit. Sustainability Compass. Available at (n.d.).
- 78European Comission. What is EMAS? Available at (n.d.).
- 79German EMAS Advisory Board. The new core indicators of EMAS III. Available at (2010).
- 80German EMAS Advisory Board. Good Reasons for EMAS. Available at (2011).
- 101Umweltbundesamt. ISO 14001 – Umweltmanagementsystemnorm. Available at Retrieved on 15/09/2022.
- 102CEWE. Nachhaltigkeitsberichte. Available at Retrieved on 15/09/2022.
- 103The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited. An Eco-wakening: Measuring global awareness, engagement and action for nature. Available at (2021).
- 104Schaltegger, S. Sustainability as a Driver for Corporate Economic Success: Consequences for the Development of Sustainability Management Control. Society and Economy 33, 15–28 (2011).
- 105International Labour Organization. The Rana Plaza Accident and its aftermath. Available at–en/index.htm (n.d.).
- 106Hellmeister, A. & Richins, H. Green to Gold: Beneficial Impacts of Sustainability Certification and Practice on Tour Enterprise Performance. Sustainability 11, 709 (2019).
- 107Mittal, V. K. & Sangwan, K. S. Assessment of hierarchy and inter-relationships of barriers to environmentally conscious manufacturing adoption. World Journal of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development 10, 297–307 (2013).
- 108Triodos Bank. Business Principles. Available at (2016).
- 84Mittal, V. K. & Sangwan, K. S. Assessment of hierarchy and inter-relationships of barriers to environmentally conscious manufacturing adoption. World Journal of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development 10, 297–307 (2013).
- 109Chernov, M. & Jordans, F. Hundreds of anti-coal campaigners protest at German mine. Available at (2020).
- 110Blake, J. Overcoming the ‘value-action gap’ in environmental policy: Tensions between national policy and local experience. Local Environment 4, 257–278 (1999).
- 111van Horen F., van der Wal, A. & Grinstein, A. Green, greener, greenest: Can competition increase sustainable behaviour? Journal of Environmental Psychology 59, 16–25 (2018).
- 112Esty, D. C. & Porter, M. E. Ranking National Environmental Regulation and Performance: A Leading Indicator of Future Competitiveness? Environment and Development Economics, 78–100 (2011).
- 113European Commission. Paris Agreement. Available at (n.d.).